Configure User Authentication Settings

Use this procedure to define how user credential validation is conducted on behalf of a Management Access policy. Setting up an authentication scheme by policy allows for policy member credential validation collectively, as opposed to authenticating users individually.

To configure or edit Management policy Authentication settings:

  1. Choose from the following actions:
    • If you are in the process of configuring a new Management policy, proceed to the next step.
    • If you want to edit a Management policy's Authentication settings, go to Policies > Management. Select adjacent to the target Management policy. Proceed to the next step.

  2. Select the Authentication tab.
  3. To authenticate management access requests, configure the parameters as described in Management Policy Authentication Parameters.
    Table 1. Management Policy Authentication Parameters
    Parameter Description
    Local Use this option to enable or clear local authentication mode. Local authentication uses the local username and password database to authenticate a user. When not selected, an external authentication resource is used to validate user access requests. The external authentication resource could be a dedicated RADIUS server
    Note: The local authentication mode is enabled by default. Not selecting the local authentication enables the RADIUS and AAA Policy parameters.
    RADIUS If authentication is to be handled by an external RADIUS server, select one of the following options:
    • External - Select this option to forward client authentication requests to an external RADIUS server. This option enables external RADIUS server as the preferred authentication mode. However, this option does not provide fallback to local database authentication in case the server is unreachable or if the server rejects the request
    • Fallback - Select this option to revert to local database authentication in case the external RADIUS server is unreachable.

      When this option is enabled, RADIUS authentication is attempted first. However, if the external RADIUS server is unreachable the local database is used to authenticate the user

    • Fallthrough - Select this option to revert to local database authentication in the following scenarios:
      • If the external RADIUS server is unreachable
      • If the external RADIUS server rejects the user authentication request

      When this option is selected, RADIUS authentication is attempted first. However, if the external RADIUS server is unreachable or rejects the authentication request the local database is used to authenticate the user

    AAA Policy If external RADIUS server authentication option is selected, select the AAA policy to use with the external RADIUS resource. Controllers and service platforms that are not using their local RADIUS resource will need to inter-operate with a RADIUS and LDAP Server (AAA Servers) to provide user database information and user authentication data. The AAA policy points to this external RADIUS server resource

    Select a policy from the AAA Policy drop-down list

    TACACS If local authentication is disabled, and authentication is to be handled by an external TACACS server, select one of the following options:
    • Authentication - Select to enable TACACS authentication on login.
    • Fallback - Select this option to revert to local database authentication in case the TACACS server is unreachable.

      When this option is enabled, TACACS authentication is attempted first. However, if the external TACACS server is unreachable the local database is used to authenticate the user.

    • Fallthrough - Select this option to revert to local database authentication in the following scenarios:
      • If the external TACACS server is unreachable.
      • If the external TACACS server rejects the user authentication request.

      When this option is enabled, TACACS authentication is attempted first. However, if the TACACS server is unreachable or rejects the authentication request the local database is used to authenticate the user.

    • Accounting - Select to enable TACACS accounting on login.
    • Authorization - Select to enable TACACS authorization on login.
      • Authorization Fallback - Select to enable fallback on TACACS authorization failure. This option is only available when Authorization is selected.
    AAA TACACS Policy If enabling external TACACS server authentication, select the TACACS policy to use. The AAA TACACS policy points to this external TACACS server resource.

    Select an existing AAA TACACS policy. Otherwise, perform the procedure Manage AAA TACACS Policies to create a new policy that you can then select here.

  4. After you have completed configuring the settings, choose from the following actions:
    1. Select Revert to restore default settings or restore the last saved settings.


      You cannot restore default settings after applying or saving changes.
    2. Select Apply to commit the configured settings.


      This does not permanently save the settings you configured. If you perform a Reload (warm reboot), applied settings will be lost.
    3. Select Save to commit and save the configured settings.


      If you do not select Apply or Save, the settings that you configured are not saved when you move away from the configuration window.